Hello, I'm Julio Alves
I'm a software engineer experienced in building web apps for all kinds of devices. I'm based in London, UK where I work as a Lead Front-end Engineer at ITV.
My focus right now is React.js, using Next.js and TypeScript. I also have extensive experience with Roku/BrightScript development.
Tech Skills
Here are some of the technologies and tools I'm proficient and comfortable with:
Promoted to Tech Lead 👨💻
Got promoted to a Tech Lead position at ITV. Currently working across several teams to support ITVX web app development.
Joined ITV 👨💻
Got offered and accepted a senior position at ITV. Currently building React websites and a React Native app.
Joined Accedo.tv 👨💻
Started at Accedo.tv where I contributed to several Node.js microservices and CTV app. Around the same time, decided to move closer to Central London, reducing my commute time by over 2 hours a day!
Joined TV App Agency 👨💻
Managed to land my first job at TV App Agency, building apps for TVs and set-top boxes. Got to learn the niche programming language BrightScript along the way!
Moved to the UK ✈️
Decided to move to London to look for my first real professional experience. BIGGER, bolder and way busier (in a good way!) than what I was accustomed to.
Graduated from university 👨🎓
Completed my master's degree in Software Enginering! Spent a few months working on research projects at my uni afterwards, where I delved into MATLAB for a bit.
If you want to reach out please drop me an email (opens a new window). You can also check out my social media presence following the links below.